Reality has hit. My college textbooks came in the mail yesterday. It’s real, I am back to being a college student. When it is all said and done, it will be very cool to have a Bachelor’s degree from Indiana University. I saw the movie Hoosiers when I was a kid back in NH. It never occurred to me that I might have a degree from that very same college, all I knew was that Gene Hackman was a pretty good actor. I wish there was a class in applying for college. I started this process in March and was able to finally order my textbooks this past week. There should be college credits awarded just for getting through the process! I originally applied to IU – Bloomington (the main school and campus). Then they decided that I should be going through IU – East on the other side of the State. I’m okay with that, I am no longer a “Hoosier”, now I am a “Red Wolf”. Not quite the same but it will do. I can privately root for the Hoosiers. My diploma will say just plain old “Indiana University”, at that point I can be whatever I want to be….Hoosier or a Red Wolf. The best part is that I actually graduate at the IUPUI campus which is across the street from where I work. For my east coast friends, IUPUI is a collaboration of IU and Perdue and they have a huge campus here in downtown Indianapolis. So to sum up my college experience so far without even opening a textbook, my advisor is out of the IU – Bloomington campus, my classes are out of the IU – East campus and I will graduate smack dab in the middle at the IUPUI campus. Seriously…shouldn’t I get some credit for keeping that straight?